“I love being in the CrossFit gym. Whether I’m coaching or working out, it’s my favorite part of the day. My goal in personal coaching is to make the gym a place where everyone feels welcome, motivated, strong, and successful. Our time together will be tailored to your goals: improving your health, learning the basics and getting moving, working on specific skills or feeling like a bad ass!”

 Personal Coaching with Ariel Brenits

I have been the new person at the gym and I know how intimidating it can feel. If you are new to fitness or getting back into a routine, I want to help get you started so you feel confident in whatever fitness setting you prefer, even if it isn’t the CrossFit gym! I will not only introduce you to new movements but teach you the safest and most efficient way to move and prioritize mobility. As a student of physical therapy, I am passionate about strengthening and mobilizing in a safe way.

If you are new to fitness, I can teach you the basics and help you feel confident when you step in the gym. If you are hitting a barrier in your training due to mobility, I’d be happy to work with you one-on-one on targeted strength and avoiding injury. Let’s spend some time on frustrating movements like cleans, double-unders or kipping. Movement Republic CrossFit athlete or not, I want to understand your goals and work with you on a plan!

Contact me at ariel@movementrepublic.com

30-minute sessions available

  • MR + Hybrid AF Members $50 for 60 mins

  • MR Members $65 for 60 mins

  • Non-MR members $75 for 60 mins

Ask about a discount if you purchase a package!