
Meet Kat. She has been coming to Movement Republic for two years with her husband, Matt. Kat has a very important job at MR - she is the event planner! MR prides itself on it’s strong community and our gatherings and celebrations are very important to us. Kat, with her teacher-energy and creativity has brought those events to another level! We are really excited for the things she has planned for us this year. We asked Kat what she likes about being the event planner: “I love getting to help create opportunities for athletes to connect with each other socially, outside of a WOD or class.”

In addition to coordinating amazing events, Kat has incredible energy to motivate others during the WOD. She is a new mom and she is showing us what it means to get right back to work - she was in the gym at 9 months pregnant and back to working out soon after Austin came along (Catch baby Austin around the gym - he comes in to cheer us all on!) We asked Kat, what advice do you have for new moms who want to join MR or get back into the gym? “The female body is scary strong! It was strong before the baby, and it will be strong after...even when it feels like there’s no possible way! Be patient with yourself and count every movement as success.”

Where did you start CrossFit?

“I was first introduced to CrossFit when I was completing my student teaching in Michigan. I joined a gym and dropped in to different boxes on and off. I didn’t seriously commit to CrossFit until joining MR.”

What is something that surprised you about CrossFit when you first started?

“Though I’d consider myself athletic, I had never seriously lifted before joining CrossFit. Some of the lifts and gymnastics moves were definitely intimidating to me but I was surprised at how every move is scalable. This makes CrossFit accessible to anyone, no matter where they are in their fitness journey.”

What is your favorite lift?

“My favorite lift is probably the clean and jerk, but deadlift is a close second.”

What makes MR different than other CrossFit gyms you’ve been to?

“MR is the most welcoming fitness community I’ve ever been a part of. We are so lucky to have our fearless leader Sarah who is not only knowledgeable, but committed to seeing her athletes succeed! I’ve met so many people at MR that are more than just “gym friends” MR has become.”

What is something you have done in MR that you never thought you’d do?

“When I got pregnant in 2020, I knew I wanted to continue coming to CrossFit as long as I could. I never imagined I’d be back squatting at 9 months pregnant!”

Do you have a secret talent? Or special hobby?

“Before I became a mom and decided to stay home with my son, I was an elementary school teacher. Being a teacher is still very much a big part of who I am.”

What is your favorite workout music?

“If it’s a long metcon day, there better be Cardi B. playing!”

What would you tell someone who is considering joining CrossFit at MR?

“Do it! Join for fitness, stay for friendships!”



