Personal Coaching with Sarah Vanderstow

I love developing quality in the minutiae of each movement (it has completely changed my game!) and would be happy to force you to demand excellence from yourself as well. 

I can help beginner athletes achieve their “firsts” in gymnastics skills or build endurance to take their gymnastic skills to the next level. Handstands are my fav and I would love to help you achieve next level handstand skills. 

Core and pelvic floor strength and endurance, shoulder and knee prehab and access to full range of motion in the joints are a must for those brand new to fitness and CrossFit, we can develop a program we do together to help develop a strong base to build your fitness on.

I have a keen eye for movement pattern faults in advanced athletes and advanced movements and can give you drills to not just complete a movement, but master it, from Muscle ups to Handstand Push ups to Snatches and Clean and Jerks.  

Personal Coaching can be limited to one or a couple sessions to go over a plan and make sure you understand each movement and drill, then allow you to work on your own time with the HybridAF 24/7 access, or we can meet as often as we need one-on-one to break down and overhaul each point of concern.

In addition, I offer Nutrition Consultations to nail down exactly what and how much you should be eating each day to fuel your performance while losing excess body fat. We will meet to go over how Zone nutrition works, take base body measurements and plan out a couple days of meals to make sure you understand how to build a plan. You will go home with a Zone Nutrition book covering the science behind Zone and tons of recipes for your new nutrition lifestyle. We will then check in to ensure you’re mastering the Zone.

Contact me at

  • MR + Hybrid AF Members $70 for 60 mins

  • MR Members $85 for 60 mins

  • Non-MR members $100 for 60 mins

Ask about a discount when you purchase a package

30 minute sessions available